143 Years Ago Today…

On May 11, 1868, Sebastian Walby and Mary Regina Meyer were married at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio. 

While living in Riley Township on his parents’ farm, Sebastian met his wife, Mary Regina Meyer.  Also known as Jane, she was the daughter of Jacob Meyer and Mary Jane (Ziegler) Meyer, who were born in Alsace, Germany.  In 1896, the Meyer family is noted in a local collection of biographies  with the following:

Jacob Meyer came with his wife to American in 1838 and located in Seneca county, Ohio.  In 1849 with money he had saved during a period of ten years in this country, he bought a farm of 80 acres in Riley township. In 1889 they removed to Fremont, Sandusky country, and are now living there retired after a life of diligence and self-denying industry, both at seventy five years of age…[daughter] Jane married Sebastian Wallby, and they live in Millersville, Ohio.1

As newlyweds, Sebastian Walby was age 26 and Mary Jane Meyer was a mere 17 years old. Nevertheless, Jane was Sebastian’s contemporary – being just nine years younger.   Children were quick to follow.  Their first child, Josephine Mary, was born almost exactly one year following the marriage on May 18, 1869 — a wedding anniversary and Mother’s Day gift all in one.  

Mary Jane continue to birth children from age 18 to age 46.  A total of sixteen children were born to this marriage, two of which died as unnamed infants.  The remaining fourteen reached adulthood and eventually, split off into three groups – becoming the Ohio, Michigan and Canadian Walbys.

The 1900 U.S. Census shows Sebastian as a “farmer” and landowner with wife (Mary J) and 11 children living at home.  Note that the farmhouse, as shown in the only surviving family photo above, very likely faced Greensburg Road in Section 9 of Jackson Township.  This would have placed the home just east of downtown Millersville and in walking distance to St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church.

1    Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio, – containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and of many of the early settled families; J. H. Beers; 1896, page768, 769 from http://www.archive.org/stream/commemorativebio00jhbeers#page/n5/mode/2up

About marywalby

My genealogical research began in November 2009 and concentrated on the immediate descendants of Sebastian Walby, my paternal great grandfather. If you enjoy my posts, be sure to leave comments and return to this blog often. For more information, send an email to marywalby@yahoo.com.
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